Nutrition is a database of nutritional information. It has information about nutrients and foods. The nutrients include: Amino Acids, Antioxidants, Carbohydrates, Enzymes, Fats and Oils, Minerals, Supplements, and Vitamins. Each one of those is a category that you can access. Each of them displays information about the base elements of the said category. For example, if you select Amino Acids, you will access a list of several amino acids by name, and a lengthy description of each one of them. The application also suggests what foods contain the said nutrient.
Regarding the Foods, Nutrition allows you to select a food from a list. After you select it, you will see its characteristics along with the nutrients that it contains. This is a feature that is not available in the trial version.
The trial version does include a body mass index calculator. It allows you to calculate your BMI if you input your weight, height, and gender. In my case, the result it gave was not accurate at all, and after getting the result the application crashed. In all honesty, Nutrition does look quite old. I wouldn't be surprised if it crashed constantly.